Welcome to LiberateMe
Welcome to LiberateMe, where I am dedicated to providing you with personalized guidance and support for every step of your journey. As your professional life coach, I am here to help you cultivate the right Mindset, unlocking the doors to anything you want for your life, including financial freedom and abundance. Together, we'll tap into your true potential and unleash a world of possibilities.
My commitment is to your growth and well-being. As your partner on this exciting journey, I'm here to nurture your dreams and support you as you achieve greatness.
So, why wait? Let's embark on this transformative experience together. Discover the life of possibilities that awaits you and embrace the freedom to live your best life.
Start your liberating journey with me at LiberateMe today!
From Concern to Freedom
The Social $ Breakdown !
In a world where women have undoubtedly proven their worth, why then is there a huge imbalance when it comes to women achieving financial success.
Women earn 77cents for every dollar earned by men. Mothers earn 58cents for every dollar earned by fathers.
Just 11% of women make $100k or more compared to 21% of men
For every dollar owned by a man, women own 32cents (and if you're a Black or Latina woman, on average, you own 1 penny)
Not on my watch!
Generate Seminar
Money Concern to Freedom
My Generate Seminar is designed for women who have wanted to take the next steps for a while but just haven't been able to. Whether you're a SAHM with an Etsy business, working full-time and ready to progress up the career ladder, have a side-hustle or a solopeneur; The Generate $eminar will set you up with everything you need to take the first steps to creating the Money Mindset that's crucial to finally being able to make your financial dreams come true.
7 Weekly Sessions Include:
1.5hr live Seminar & 1hr Q&A Performance Coaching sessions
Totaling over 25+ hours with a value of over $2500
Multiple guest speakers giving relevant advice on Legal, Tax,
Social Media Marketing, Women's Wellness
Financial Planning
(so you'll know how to set up safety nets for you and your loved ones)
An Exclusive opportunity for
3 participants to win 4 private sessions of coaching with me
Once Registered, you can expect me to reach out and book some time together.
I'm committed that magic happens for you
out of your participation in my seminar.
I want you to feel empowered, knowing that you can start right NOW, no matter what circumstances you're facing. You don't need to feel constantly positive to begin working on what's possible. It's all about meeting you where YOU are. My mission is to help you identify and actualize what genuinely brings fulfillment to your life.
Let's break free from the confines of "black and white" thinking that traps so many people. Together, we'll embrace the beauty of "thinking gray." This means shifting the focus away from someone else's expectations and ideals for you and instead honing in on what truly matters to YOU in life.
So, let's ditch the limitations and embark on this incredible journey of self-discovery and growth. I'm here to support and guide you, so you can embrace the life you truly desire.